MET: We chose an option that less affects citizens’ health
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) held a press conference on measures against air pollution yesterday, explaining MNT 54 billion installment of stove pipe appliances to over 100,000 households. Minister of Environment and Tourism Minister Tserenbat Namsrai addressed, “Health is our number one priority. Around 52.9 percent of citizens in Ulaanbaatar city have been diagnosed with respiratory diseases. We have to consider the value of citizens’ health. According to an independent study, medical institutions spend over MNT 10 billion on treating the respiratory diseases of children under the age of 18. Another study highlighted that children living in air polluted environment have 40 percent shorter lung capacity than those in the countryside.” “The same study suggests that 80 percent of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city accounts for 220,000 household stove pipes and the population is increasing with each passing year,” explained Minister Tserenbat. MET estimates the installment of the appliance will drastically reduce air pollution in the capital. Although the cost is enough to construct accommodations for 900 households or finance the prepayment of 4,000 household mortgage loans, these measures will be ineffective in the short-term according to MET. “We chose an option that less affects citizens’ health,” stressed Mr. Tserenbat and added, “This was a mathematical solution to reduce air pollution. Also, we restricted the use of low-pressure stoves and reduced raw coal consumption by around 10 percent.”
The MET spokesperson provided information on the fully supportive combustion appliance. “The appliance was created by Mongolian engineers and has been studied for 9 months straight by the working group responsible for developing the appliance. This is not a filter. This is an appliance for complete combustion of coal particles and the manufacturer will give 3-years of guarantee on their product,” informed MET spokesperson. The ministry also explained that the installment to 100,000 household is not a test and said, “We are working on installing the appliance only to a short-list of households. Monthly household energy expense will be around MNT 22,000 after installing the appliance and we will try to reduce this cost.”
• Around 52.9 percent of citizens in Ulaanbaatar city have been diagnosed with respiratory diseases.
• 80 percent of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city accounts for 220,000 household stove pipes.
• This is not a filter. This is an appliance for complete combustion of coal particles.
Minister Tserenbat informed, “The housing policy will be implemented as a long-term solution. The public needs to understand that this measure is an advanced technology to realistically reduce air pollution in the short-term. We are cooperating with the Export-Import Bank of Korea and Mongolian Ministry of Finance to allocate South Korea’s USD 500 million soft loan on housing ger district households.” He then announced that he will take responsibility if the measure fails to reduce air pollution.
Published Date:2018-10-17