B.Choijilsuren: Coking coal from China will be tested to reduce air pollution www.gogo.mn
Sumiyabazar, Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, introduced to the City Council Meeting about the issuance of securities of MNT 500 billion and to purchase semi-coked coal and starter from China by MNT 177.5 billion.
B.Choijilsuren, the Minister of Energy, participated in the City Council Meeting and said, “We can’t tell a lie that we will remove air pollution completely. Between December 15 and January 31, firing will be tested. MNT 30 billion out of MNT 177.5 billion will be spent on purchasing starters. Remaining will be purchased for coking coal.
Ulaanbaatar city has a population of 1.6 million. There are many difficulties and challenges. However, it is not the best solution, we only have this solution. And we decided to try it instead of doing nothing. We will test it this winter in Ulaanbaatar. I'm not afraid of testing”
Published Date:2023-08-14