Shengzhou Boyi Neckwear & Weaving Co., Ltd.
Established Year: | 2000 |
Employees | 189 |
WebSite: | |
Address | No.16, Road 4, Necktie Industrial Zone, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 312400, China |
Telephone: | 86-575-83362187 |
Fax: | 86-575-83345107 |
To me, there’s Shengzhou Boyi Neckwear & Weaving Co., Ltd. nothing sadder than a new creative director going into a great heritage brand and getting rid of everything,” he says. “But I don’t want anyone to think of us as being stuffy or uptight.” In addition to voluminous gowns in saturated silks, Gordon’s reinvention Shengzhou Boyi Neckwear & Weaving Co., Ltd. has included miniskirts worn with schoolgirl blazers.