Itools IPO oversubscribed by 1.84
ITools, the most recent company to be listed on the Mongolian Stock Exchange, is offering 13.4 million shares, or 38.6%, of its shares outstanding for its IPO. While total subscription for the stock had reached 115% on November 8th, 2017, it has reached 184.4%, or a combined 24.6 million shares ordered by 627 individuals and entities, today.
Due to the oversubscription of the stock, the shares will be allotted as follows:
Orders for up to MNT 50 million will be fully filled, while orders over MNT 50 million will be allotted on a pro-rata basis.
In the case where orders worth MNT 50 million exceed the total offered amount of ITools shares, orders up to MNT 1 million will take priority and orders over MNT 1 million will be allotted on a pro-rata basis.
Orders of investors who split their orders among two or more brokers will be summed and counted as one order.
Orders for ITools stock will conclude on November, 10th, 2017.
Published Date:2017-11-10