Mining Minister receives UK Minister of State
Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/ On July 20, Mongolia’s Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry D. Sumiyabazar met the UK delegates led by Rt. Honorable Mark Field, MP and Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific of the Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Office.
At the meeting, D. Sumiyabazar emphasized, “This year marks 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the UK. We are satisfied with expanding bilateral ties and cooperation in education, investment and trade spheres.” The Minister also spoke that works of putting Mongolia’s major mining projects into economic circulation and attracting financial sources from internal and external capital markets are in the action.
During its spring session, Mongolia’s Parliament made a decision to trade a certain part of the shares of Tavantolgoi Project at domestic and foreign stock exchanges, added Minister D.Sumiyabazar.
Mr. Mark Field thanked for audience and invited the Minister to take part in MINEX Eurasia Conference and Mines and Money to be organized in London in November this year.
Published Date:2018-07-23