Proposal to consult on self-dissolution of the Parliament sent
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ President of Mongolia Kh.Battulga handed over an official letter regarding “consultation” to Chairman of the State Great Khural M.Enkhbold on October 29.
In the official letter, President Battulga condemns the Parliament and the Cabinets that were formed as a result of the 2016 General Elections over failures to fulfill their election promises and work in conformity with the law in exercising the State power.
The official letter reads, “…The Members of Parliament, having fully surrendered to the ways of treating the budget with a pre-election attitude based on narrow interests, trifling with the national economy, and using their power and influence for personal gains, are completely exploiting the constitutional principle: “A member of the Parliament is an envoy of the people and represents and upholds the interests of all the citizens and the state.” This has led to the loss of public support and trust in the highest organ of State power and further to the lack of guarantee that the forming of third and fourth Cabinets would result in national development and tangible outcome.
The Constitution of Mongolia declares that the State power is vested in the people of Mongolia. In this solid case where the highest organ of State power, the members of which are elected by the citizens, has clearly lost the trust and support of the citizens, it is no longer in a position to carry out its mandate.
The Section 2 of Article 22 of the Constitution of Mongolia states that “The Parliament may decide on its dissolution if not less than two thirds of its members consider that the Parliament is unable to carry out its mandate, or if the President, in consultation with the Chairman of the Parliament, proposes to do so for the same reason.” The Section 11 of Article 12 of the Law of Mongolia on President states that “If it is considered that the Parliament is unable to carry out its mandate, the President shall officially notify to the Chairman of the Parliament on the proposal to consult on self-dissolution of the Parliament. The Chairman’s disapproval of the proposal will not prevent the President from proceeding with his proposal in the Parliament.”
Therefore, I am hereby delivering a proposal to consult on self-dissolution of the Parliament.”
Published Date:2018-10-30