Virtual cash rewards introduced at Tokyo firm
A securities company in Tokyo is using a virtual currency to spur employees to work shorter hours and take better care of their health. Securities has named the e-cash "OOIRI," meaning "good business." It uses Bitcoin technology.
Staff earn 10 OOIRI when they head home without doing overtime. If they walk 10,000 steps during a work day, they get 100 units.
An employee says the reward system is going to change the way people work and help them leave the office on time.
Company officials say the OOIRI will be available for spending at local restaurants cooperating in the program. Securities President Masakatsu Saito says that as a financial institution, the company can manage any problems that may crop up with the virtual money.
He says he wants employees to have fun with the currency reward as they improve their productivity.
Published Date:2016-10-24