White House: Higher taxes proposed for US imports www3.nhk.or.jp
White House officials are proposing higher taxes to help pay for US President Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the Mexican border. US media reports say that might not mean higher tariffs, but rather steeper taxes for companies in the United States that import products.
Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Thursday that the White House will propose a 20-percent tax on products from countries that the US has a trade deficit with. He said that the administration is considering discussing the specifics with Republican lawmakers.
Spicer's remark comes after Trump expressed the idea of pushing for tax reforms on Mexican imports to pay for the cost of building the wall.
Media reports say the White House is considering reforming the corporate tax system. They say one idea is to lower taxes on companies that export, while raising those on firms that import.
Such changes could affect Japanese businesses.
But the plan faces persistent opposition from US importers. Trump himself has criticized it for being too complicated.
Published Date:2017-01-27