MBD Business mission to Sydney, Australia. March 19-26, 2017 "Accounting best practices"
Mongolian Business Database (MBD) is starting to register the Mongolian business delegates to "Accounting best practices" theme targeted business program jointly with Saki partners Australia www.sakipartners.com.au and Dr.Nigel Finch, Honorary Consul-General of Mongolia in Sydney.
The business program includes a half day special training seminar and Australian accounting and financial company visits.
The Australian Partner Dr. Finch is a Managing Director of Saki Partners, Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Tax Adviser and a Fellow of CPA. He is a member of the Representative Council of CPA Australia, a director of the Australia Mongolia Business Council and a director of several companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. He recently served as a Dean of Accounting Department of Sydney University.
For more information please visit the following link http://www.mongolianbusinessdatabase.com/base/eventsdetails… and register at contact@mongolianbusinessdatabase.com or by tel: 77109911 and 98994787.
The registration will be closed by February 22, 2017.
Published Date:2017-02-02