7374 Mongolians to vote for president from abroad www.montsame.mn
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The registration of Mongolians living abroad for the upcoming Presidential election was completed by May 20, reported the General Election Commission (GEC) on May 22, Monday.
The commission set up 45 sub-commissions in 32 countries including Australia, the UK, the US, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, the Republic of Korea, China and India for Mongolian nationals to vote for the next President of Mongolia.
The sub-commissions registered 7374 Mongolian nationals from all around the world, with the most number of people registering themselves at the Embassy of Mongolia in the Republic of Korea, 1626, and the Embassy in the United States, 1011.
The GEC also reports that 6233 Mongolian nationals partook in the 2013 Presidential election, highlighting an increase of about 1000 citizens this year.
The registered Mongolian nationals will cast their votes on June 10-11, and the election will take place on June 26, Monday in Mongolia.
Published Date:2017-05-23