Japanese Government to fund USD 58 thousand for First Maternity Hospital's renovation project www.montsame.mn
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Within the frames of the Government of Japan’s “Grant Assistance for Grassroots and Human Security Projects” (GGP), the signing ceremony of First Maternity Hospital’s renovation project was held on August 11.
Opening the ceremony, the Head of First Maternity Hospital D.Narantsatsralt said “USD 58 thousand funding is coming from the Government of Japan. This full be used on renovating the roof of A, B, C and D sections of First Maternity Hospital. Our hospital prepared a project to get involved in the GGP and I’m fully grateful that the project was selected”.
Presently, the hospital’s roof is inadequate as it leaks in rain. Therefore, the hospital is in dire need for immediate renovation. The renovation is expected to start on August 20 to continue for a month.
Source: ikon.mn
Published Date:2017-08-14