CGA: Coal export declined by nearly three times yoy
Since the beginning of the year to May 10, a total of 4.6 million tons of coal was exported at USD 374.5 million, according to the preliminary data of the General Customs Administration (CGA). Compared to the same period last year, it is 2.7 times less and 2.8 times less in price. A total of 482,000 tons of coal have been exported in May alone. According to the Minister of Finance, 470 trucks exported coal at Gashuunsukhait port and 233 trucks at Shiveekhuren port last Friday. Despite the increase in coal exports, the CEO of Tavan Tolgoi JSC said that it would return to normal only if more than 500 trucks produce coal at the Gashuunsukhait port daily. Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi, which plans to sell 9.2 million tons of coal this year, said it is expecting a 30 percent drop in coal exports. Mongolyn Alt (MAK) LLC exported more than 300,000 tons of coal in the first four months. The Vice President of the company highlighted that it is several times less than the same period of previous years. SouthGobi Resources Ltd., one of the companies that mine coal at Nariinsukhait deposit, said in May that it would sell coal from the warehouse.
Published Date:2020-05-13