Harumafuji retirement makes headlines in Mongolia www3.nhk.or.jp 2017 11 30
The sudden retirement of the Yokozuna sumo grand champion, Harumafuji, was met with surprise in his home country of Mongolia.
The country's online news sites reported that the Yokozuna opted for retirement to take responsibility for his assault of lower-ranked wrester Takanoiwa, who is also from Mongolia.
Citizens in the capital Ulaanbaatar reacted to the news with surprise and disappointment.
A woman in her 60s said that no one expected the sudden retirement of one of the country's leading sumo wrestlers, and that it was disappointing.
A woman in her 50s said the wrestlers should have gotten along with each other as fellow Mongolians. She added that the retirement would harm not only Harumafuji's honor, but that of the country as well.
A man in his 20s said that Mongolian wrestlers should pay more attention to how they treat each other. He added that the incident would be a lesson for upcoming wrestlers on how to cultivate a sense of responsibility.
Published Date:2017-11-30