Mining sector expected to generate 3 trillion MNT in state revenue in 2019
Cabinet forecasted state revenue for 2019 to be 9.7 trillion MNT, while revenue was projected to be 7.2 trillion MNT in 2018. As for 2019 state expenditures, they've been estimated at 11.6 trillion MNT, while these were set at a maximum of 9.7 trillion MNT in 2018.
The mining sector is expected to generate 3 trillion MNT ( or 27.1 percent) of the state's revenue in the upcoming year, a YOY increase of 1.3 trillion MNT. State authorities have projected the price for coal to be 75.9 USD per ton and copper at 6,222.2 USD per ton
Published Date:2018-10-04