European Business Associations in Mongolia Cooperate Closely
The European Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EuroChamber) has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the German Mongolian Business Association (DMUV), French Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FMCCI) and the British Business Group (BBG) .
One of the founding principles of EuroChamber Mongolia it to bring the European and Mongolian business community closer together and to have a strong common voice that represents the interest of its members. Today with the signing of the cooperation agreement the German, French and British business associations become represented in the EuroChamber Board, allowing for common decision making, leadership and alignment, while the bilateral business associations' member companies are becoming members of EuroChamber.
With this step, EuroChamber Mongolia now provides a united platform to more than 125 British, French, German and other European as well as Mongolian member companies from very diverse sector backgrounds.
All European business associations and EuroChamber intend to promote the highest values of cooperation and partnership, while exercising unified power toward improvement of business and investment climate in Mongolia, for the benefit of our members and the wider public. Mongolia has a tremendous potential for development, and we jointly intend to support the socio-economic development with helping removing bottlenecks and obstacles for investment and ease of doing business for Mongolian and international companies, investors and banks.
The main focus areas and goals of EuroChamber in cooperation with DMUV, FMCCI and BBG are:
1/ Policy dialogue and advocacy on behalf of its members, with focus on trade facilitation and barriers (export/import), business and investment climate, human resource development, etc.
2/ Additional Networking opportunities for establishing and developing business contacts 3/ Support to Mongolian companies to access European markets; among
others through cooperation with the EU-funded Trade Related Assistance to Mongolia (TRAM) program, with whom EuroChamber enjoys close cooperation.
Based on main interests and needs of our members, the team of EuroChamber, DMUV, BBG and FMCCI will develop white papers as a basis for policy dialogue with the Government of Mongolia.
We would like to express our gratitude to those who made this milestone European Business Cooperation happen, especially to the leadership teams of the three bilateral business associations and EuroChamber. Special thanks go also to HE Ambassador Traian Hristea and the team of the EU Delegation to Mongolia as well as all national diplomatic representatives for their continued support.
Published Date:2020-06-15