"Nas Daily" to release 6 contents about Mongolia www.gogo.mn
2023-2025 has been announced as "Years to visit Mongolia". Within the framework, the Minister of Culture and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism are going to organize “Nas Summit-2023”, the event of international content creators, in Ulaanbaatar on August 19.
More than 20 international content creators will participate as speakers at the "Nas Summit-2023" event, and the total number of followers of these content creators is about 300 million. They will travel to our country and visit the Nuudelchin Festival 2023 that introduces Mongolian cultural heritage and traditions. In addition, Nas Daily, who has more than 40 million followers on his social media, and his team will participate.
The guests of the event have arrived in Ulaanbaatar.
Nuseir Yassin, the founder of “Nas Daily” will release content on 6 topics about Mongolia. And the first video featuring Mongolian women was released yesterday, and a total of 70 million people have watched it.
This summit will be the big opportunity for local content creators to make international collaboration and to share the same stage with international speakers.
Published Date:2023-08-16