Nutrition status of the population of Mongolia (Sixth national nutrition survey key indicators report)
The NNS V “Nutritional Status of the Population of Mongolia” was conducted six years ago, in 2016-2017, by the Department of Nutrition (currently known as Department of Nutrition and Food Safety) in cooperation with relevant organizations and departments. Based on the results and conclusions of this survey, improvements were made to the legal framework for enhancing the nutritional status of the population, fostering interdisciplinary cooperation, increasing the supply and consumption of healthy and nutritious food, and implementing multifaceted measures to intensify information dissemination, monitoring, and evaluation. These measures were carried out with the financial and technical support of the state and local budgets as well as international donor organizations. For instance, to support and protect breastfeeding, promote healthy eating, and prevent and control nutrition-related disorders, including micronutrient deficiencies specifically among young children and women, several laws were enacted: the “Law on Iodizing Salt and Preventing Iodine Deficiency” in 2013, the “Law on Fortified Food” in 2018, the “Law on Food for Infants and Young Children” in 2017, and the “Law on Food Production and Services of Secondary Schools” in 2019. Programs, procedures, instructions, and recommendations related to these laws have been implemented to achieve their objectives. Therefore, to evaluate the results and effectiveness of policies, programs, procedures, and instructions implemented since 2016 in the field of improving the nutritional status of children and women; to study the effects of poverty and economic crises on the nutritional status of the population; and to analyze the correlation between household socio-economic status and food insecurity, we conducted the VI National Nutrition Survey, “Nutritional Status of the Population of Mongolia”.
Ministry of Health, National Center for Public Health, UNICEF Mongolia
Publication date
February 2025
Published Date:2025-02-12