125 Decisions Restraining Investors to be Invalidated www.mongolianbusinessdatabase.com sourced from montsame.mn
The Investors Promotion Working group reported today that 125 decisions restraining investors are going to be rescinded. The working group is headed by the Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs and was established by an order of the Prime Minister. After a through review of existing decisions, the ministry identified 78 decisions from Ministers, 12 decisions from heads of agencies, and 10 decisions from provincial governors for review. The Ministry of Justice and Internal affairs submitted a proposal to immediately invalidate 86 of these decisions and to submit an additional 14 decisions to review by the relevant authorities. Furthermore, decisions inconsistent to general and other laws were identified and invalidated. The proposal to delist these decisions was sent to the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, the Ministry of Road, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development, as well as to the Ministry of Health in official form from the Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs.
Published Date:2016-09-27