Ministers’ current expenditure to be cut by MNT78 billion
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Parliamentary Standing committee on Social policy, Education, Culture and Sciences has held a second discussion of bills on amendments to the 2017 State Budget law and amendments to the 2017 Social insurance fund budget. Operational expenses of ministers would be cut by a total MNT78 billion, underlined Finance Minister B.Choijilsuren in his response to MPs questions. “ – Expenses for investment used to be financed from several sources in the last years. It has been stopped and debt issues and accounts between the Government and the Development Bank have been separated. Now, investment will be financed from only one source- the state budget. Therefore budged for investment, which were planned to be financed from the Development Bank, have been transferred to the budget packages of ministers and it is seen as if minister’s expenditure would be raised” explained the Minister.
According to Minister of Labor and Social welfare, it is not clear yet, how much per cent out of all children will get child allowance, as the survey to define family livelihood level has just finished awaiting its results.
The Budgetary Standing Committee will discuss all proposals and conclusions of the standing committees before the second discussion of the budget bills at the plenary meeting.
Published Date:2017-04-12