Mongolia – EU – ILO project on labor launched
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The International Labor Organization (ILO), government agencies, Mongolian Employers’ Federation (MONEF), Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions (CMTU) and labour right advocates gathered on May 22 to discuss their joint action on forced labour, child labour and trafficking in persons for labour exploitation.
Since 2015, the ILO has received financial support from the European Union to implement core labour standards to realize decent work and support Mongolia’s bid for economic diversification. Aligning national labour laws and regulations with international standards is central in this partnership. The EU has provided further support to ILO-Mongolia cooperation to implement the project on ‘Sustaining GSP-Plus Status by Strengthened National Capacities to Improve ILS Compliance and Reporting-Mongolia Phase 2’, which promotes greater understanding about trafficking in person for labour exploitation and alignment of national laws and policies with the ILO Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29).
Forced labour in its modern form is widespread. According to the ILO’s Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, trafficking in persons for labour exploitation in the private sector is on the rise and that there are about 16 million victims at any given time. The global community, including Mongolia, is committed to “tak[ing] immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.” The Alliance 8.7 supports countries around the world to share knowledge and experiences.
A panel discussion on national response to trafficking and labour exploitation at the GSP+3 project launch welcomed action to tackle trafficking in persons for labour exploitation. Greater awareness about forced labour, labour exploitation and knowledge of international good practices on preventative measures and victim protection would contribute to improved services to protect both Mongolian and migrant workers in Mongolia and Mongolian workers going abroad. The ILO was recommended to implement the project with the stakeholders of Mongolia’s National Programme to Combat Human Trafficking (2017 -2021).
The details and progress on project implementation are available at the project office in Ulaanbaatar. The EU-ILO-Mongolia partnership for this project is within the framework of the EU’s action to support GSP+ beneficiary countries to effectively implement international labour standards and comply with their reporting obligations.
source: ILO
Published Date:2018-05-23