Flour producers to be granted discounted loan on wheat purchase www.zgm.mn
Chief of Cabinet Secretariat Zandanshatar Gombojav presented the results of Prime Minister Khurelsukh Ukhnaa’s visit to Tuv, Selenge and Darkhan-Uul aimags during the Cabinet meeting yesterday and ordered to study the opportunities to grant interest rate discount to flour producers on wheat purchase. In case a situation emerges to set quota on wheat and flour imports, the Cabinet decided to favor domestic flour production. Related ministers were also ordered to involve greenhouse farmers to the nighttime electricity tariff discount, enable rail transport to grain and increase the number of harvest trucks. Furthermore, the Cabinet resolved to repair the harvest route road of Selenge aimag from the Government’s reserve fund and mobilize military units for harvesting. Minister of Health Sarangerel Davaajantsan will be responsible for funding the current and fixed costs steered from the increased workplaces following the completion of Health Care Center expansion of Bayangol soum, Selenge aimag.
Later on, the Cabinet decided to install the Advance Passenger Processing (APP) system at the new airport in Khushig Valley. Officials viewed that APP will improve border inspections, information exchange of public bodies and national capacity to fight against terrorism. The APP confirms the passenger’s information from the Wanted Persons List of Interpol, No Fly List and other databases, such as visa, and send the information to local law enforcers within three seconds once the passenger purchases the flight ticket. The system is used in over 70 countries around the globe.
As of the first half of this year, the completion of the Government’s Action Plan for 2016-2020 stood at 47.2 percent.
Particularly: Policy on Overcoming Economic Difficulties-55 percent;
Policy on Sustainable Economic Growth-39.8 percent;
Social Policy-46.5 percent;
Environmental and Green Development Policy-44.1 percent;
Governance Policy - 49.7 percent
All government bodies were ordered to intensify the sluggish actions and complete the target level by the end of this year. Additionally, actions that are slowing due to lack of investment will be financed from the state budget, foreign loan aids, as well as private sector investment.
Published Date:2018-10-11