Mongolia to host international geological conference
An academic conference on the results of the fourth phase of a joint research project between Mongolia, Russia, China, South Korea, and Kazakhstan entitled ‘Geological Structures and Metallogeny of the Northern, Central, and Eastern Asia’ will be held in Ulaanbaatar on 5-6 August. The conference is taking place on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Geological Research Centre of Mongolia.
Around 50 researchers from the four countries have registered to take part in the conference, at which interesting presentations showing the contributions of leading specialist from the four countries to the field of Asian geological studies.
Heading the teams from the four countries will be: Honoured Geologist of the Russian Federation Oleg Vladimirovich Petrov who is Director General of the A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, LI Tingdong, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.Tnaliev of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use, Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, and Paul Hong of the Geological Research Centre, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources.
Published Date:2019-07-29